Who Am I? Why does this blog exsit?

Hey world, I’m James! I am currently a college student at Westfield State University who is pursing a BA in Acting and a minor in Communication. I’m starting this blog “alwaysbrokealwayshungry” because lets be real, that’s actually the story to every college students life. I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if college students who are just starting off in their first apartment and who have a beautiful kitchen knew how to make fast cheep meals? WELL, that’s why i’m here. Over the course of this blog i’ll show you some fun easy meals that you can do on that “broke college student budget” and fun ways to get creative with it. I hope to connect to not only college students, but to anyone that is trying to make due with little to no cooking time and who wants to learn more about fast easy meals. What drew me to creating this blog is that food has always had a strong presence in my life. My family has been in the restaurant business for many years and pretty much each member in my family can cook extremely well and really has a gift for it. I personally love to cook it is something that I have always had a love for doing and almost went to school for the culinary arts. The reason I thought it would be fun to share my blog with everyone instead of just making it a personal journal for me at home, was that I thought it would be fun to connect with people and share my love for food. One of my goals for this blog is to be able to connect with people I really would love to get to know everyone’s background in the kitchen and what type of foods they enjoy and how it creates a presence in their life like it does in mine.

Well that’s it for now, check back soon for my first official post!